Me dice “tu trasero
es tan hermoso.” Sus manos
trazando mi espalda.
Estoy ardiendo como el anillo blanco
que rodea la luna. “Luna de brujas”
dijo mi abuela. En la escuela lo llaman
“un reflejo de cristales de hielo”.
Una tormenta hierve en el caldero
del cielo. Me enamora
pero no le diré
si es presagio
o hielo.
I was wrong about the title (see below). at least google's fifefox search suggestions were. I like the spanish one more. (duh.) My spanish is rusty at best, and has probably always lacked a command of conjugation necessary to truly understand the meanings of poetry, but if anyone reads this and can provide an explanation of the word "enamora" it would be greatly appreciated. In my mind, that line could mean "I fall in love" or "I fell in love" or simply "I love".
Translation is always a fascinating facet of poetry, as Katherine Bash would certainly agree. In her exhibit at Women and Their Work, she had a piece of poetry ( i can't remember which one) with several different translations.
It is always interesting to see which words or phrases generate the greatest differences, and how these points reflect the variety of meanings ascribed to words that would otherwise be complicitly accepted as "understood" were they communicated (spoken) and interpreted (heard) in the same language.
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